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Plant Chicago Introduces New Virtual Circular Economy Forum "Roundtable Talks"

You're invited to talk about Circular Economy with us over lunch!

Do you find yourself interested in sustainability or circular economy topics, but have questions about how to get involved or begin practicing?

We want to make circular economy topics approachable, and dare we say FUN! We're inviting you to join us on the third Thursday of every month via Zoom to discuss topics with specialized guest panelists and other interested folks like you! Discussion topics differ month-to-month and will be announced on Plant Chicago's Blog.

Join us for our first meeting on Thursday, January 21, at 12pm. Those who are interested to receive updates on upcoming discussions are invited to contact Communications Coordinator, Narcy Robles at Register for the next Roundtable Talk.

With each topic, attendees will be provided with reading materials or media recommendations beforehand to prep for the discussion with panelists, but they are not required in order to participate. Each Roundtable Talk will begin with an introduction to panelists, their field experience, take away from the topic and will follow with some questions from the host and attendees. The second half will be dedicated to breakout rooms, where attendees will have an opportunity to share ideas, and ask questions of their fellow attendees and designated panelist leader.

January's Topic

This month, we will be exploring Chicago's recycling. Do you know what is recyclable in the city of Chicago? We'll be testing your knowledge and navigating the city's rules and regulations. Included below are a few articles that will prep attendees for our inaugural discussion. You are not required to read them beforehand, but they will help with understanding and will be referred to by panelists.

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Copyright Plant Chicago 2020

Plant Chicago is a registered 501(c)3 organization



4459 S. Marshfield Ave

Chicago IL 60609


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